Service technologique­ La Relance

National Technology Centre for the Computers for Schools program funded by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada

Welcome to the technological and ecological world of La Relance: the STLR

Contact Us

Our Mandate/Mission

ISED Funding

Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) funds the Computers for Schools (CFS) program. This national program refurbishes computers donated by government, private companies and individuals for distribution to schools, libraries, non-profit organizations, indigenous communities and eligible low-income individuals.

STLR in numbers

Since 2000, the STLR has refurbished more than

Trainees welcomed
in 2022-2023

25 169
Refurbished computers
in 2022-2023

Environmental Policy

Our company in La Relance, the STLR, aims to achieve the highest standards in terms of:

  • Environmental protection
  • Meeting compliance obligations
  • Continuous improvement of its integrated OHS-E management system

Our environmental commitments:

  • Diligently comply with applicable laws, regulations and standards and systematically and periodically assess our compliance with legal obligations and other requirements;
  • Communicate with suppliers, local authorities, governmental and non-governmental organizations, and other partners and interested parties of the organization regarding relevant elements of our environmental management system;
  • Identify, assess and responsibly manage risks and opportunities related to environmental aspects, compliance obligations and other stakeholder issues and expectations;
  • Set objectives for the continuous improvement of our environmental performance, allocate the necessary resources to achieve these objectives and regularly communicate our results;
  • Train and develop the skills of our employees and inform our suppliers about sound environmental management and the importance of improving environmental performance;
  • Limit the impact of our operations on the environment through the efficient use of resources and implement measures to prevent pollution;
  • Plan, implement and improve operations to integrate sustainable development concepts to offer innovative solutions that meet the needs of our clients;
  • Continuously improve its environmental management system in order to improve performance related to the management of environmental aspects.


Every year since 2011, STLR’s Environmental Management System (EMS) has been certified ISO 14001.
ISO 14001 is an international reference framework applicable to any type of organization in the field of environmental protection.
Our Certification